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An Acrylic Urethane Enamel Coating system for Teak finishing.  Can be used on all woods.  Our system looks like 10+ coats of high quality varnish and can be applied in 1 day! And Lasts MUCH LONGER!

Most varnishes are cured by solvent evaporation.  EZ Teak is cured with a chemical catalyst, and as such many coats can be applied in one day and the base coats will still cure.

If you used and liked Honey Teak, you will love EZ Teak!!!

When Signature Finish, makers of HONEY TEAK went out of business, we were all left with a problem, either we had product left OR had a wonderful system of wood finishing that would hold up to the elements and WHAT TO DO NOW?  Well, we have recreated this system out of our need.  We had coating specialists help us with finding a way to make the same product. After two years of work, we have succeeded!

All of our parts are interchangeable with Honey Teak, so if you have some Signature Finish Honey Teak or Clear, our catalyst can be used to mix with your existing supply.  Exchange any part of our system for the Signature finish system in the same ratios.

Note: EZ-Teak is in no way affiliated with Signature Finishes Honey Teak. Discussion used as a comparison only.

Any Questions, Please call or write

Rich Morpurgo
812 340 0998